Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Change of Scenery

Decision 2006: We're movin' to Amsterdam ... on a search to discover if the rain in Portland really does compare to the rain in the Dam. Gene took the job at W+K Amsterdam office, Stef will be madly seeking a job as she clearly can't serve as the Willis family chef as there will be no Trader Joe's overseas.

Travel December: Just to make things super lively in the Willis household, we decided, why not go to Thailand? So, we're off on the 16th, first stopping in Seoul and then to Thailand. Geno has the whole trip under control, although indicating that a sleeping bag might be required in some locations.


pops said...

Just remember that it was two little people who found and destroyed the evil ring. Oh, and they had lots of exciting adventures on the way:)

craig jacobso said...

You can survive by taking your mother!This is great and will be fun to read!

Randy said...

I hope you guys are having a good time. How is the weather there?

Take care....Randy and Chelsea

Unknown said...

Zwem niet in de kanalen...