Monday, July 19, 2010

Oranje #2!

World Cup is over, we're actually kind of sad because it was a month of fun watching as the Dutch made it into the Finals for the first time in 30 years....the city went insane, and so did we.

Meanwhile, in other unrelated news, Tate turned completely Dutch and actually fell asleep on the bike while coming home from music class....pure comedy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Southern France Heaven

Apparently the typical Dutch summer holiday involves a trip to Southern France. So we decided to give it a shot and went to a little village called St. Laurent des Arbes about 15 minutes from Avignon. Gene found a perfect little Chateau where we were able to enjoy outstanding dinners cooked by the owner while Tate slept peacefully inside (thanks baby monitor). We loved hanging out in the sun in the backyard area and did some mini adventures to neighboring towns. Click here for few pics. Also did a short video below:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

JoBurg, South Africa: Vuvuzela capitol of the world

Well, it felt like it was taking forever for the World Cup to actually start, as work had been intense since January working on the Nike campaign (hopefully you saw the spot!) But it was finally time for kick-off, which meant a trip down to Johannesburg to see through some of the logistics related to another part of the campaign. Over the course of the week I was lucky enough to see three games, the best of which was the USA game against Slovenia. The vuvuzelas are still ringing in my ears.